Men's Health Month

June is National Men’s Health Month! This month is all about encouraging the men in your life (including you, men out there!) to take care of their bodies by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent disease. The official symbol for the month is a blue ribbon and the purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases including cancer, heart disease, and depression.

Everything You Need To Know About Men's Health

Men are notorious for avoiding the doctor and ignoring unusual symptoms. This may help explain why women tend to live longer. Don’t let complacency take a toll on your health. Schedule yearly checkups with your doctor and keep these appointments.
Your doctor can help monitor your weight, blood pressure, and the level of cholesterol in your blood. Excess weight, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Your doctor can recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or other treatments to help get your weight, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol under control.

The Ultimate Men’s Health Guide

Men should visit a doctor regularly for a general checkup and screenings for cancer, contagious diseases, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and mental health. Diet and exercise are important in preventing cardiovascular disease. Genetics may also determine your risk.
By following healthy living tips for men, you can prolong your life. Men experience anxiety, depression and other mental disorders at the same rate as women, but they are far less likely to seek help. If you aren’t feeling like yourself, talk to someone about it!

10 Top Health Risks for Men

If you take better care of your car or favorite gadget than your body, you aren’t alone. According to the Men’s Health Network, a lack of awareness, weak health education, and unhealthy work and personal lifestyles have caused a steady deterioration of the well-being of American men.
Visit your medical provider to learn how you can reduce your risk of common conditions facing men, such as cancer, depression, heart disease, and respiratory diseases.