World Wildlife Day

What do the orangutans of Borneo, the elephants of Sumatra, and the Black Rhino all have in common? Aside from all being totally cool animals that we watch on YouTube, the more sobering truth about these creatures is that they’re all critically endangered species. But on World Wildlife Day, the UN and its partners are planning to raise awareness of the gravity of this dire situation.

How To Get Involved With World Wildlife Day 2022

You too can join the celebrations! You can start by spreading the word of this year’s theme, "Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration". By simply taking an interest in this year's upcoming events and celebrations, you can help us raise awareness of the status of the world’s endangered and critically endangered species, the key role they play for their ecosystems and for the well-being of communities who live near them and beyond, and of the need to continue all efforts to conserve them and their habitats. There is plenty more you can do every day to support the message of World Wildlife Day. Here are some of our suggestions for this year's celebrations:

The Best Ways to Look After British Wildlife

A reliance on fossil fuels has left our British wildlife under serious threat. Drilling for oil risks destroying the habitats of thousands of species in the UK, and intensive farming has left many species of wildlife without access to shelter and food. But there’s still plenty you can do to help – here are the best ways to look after British wildlife.

7 Ways to Help Wild Animals

We share the Earth with 8 million other species of plants and animals, and we have a responsibility to future generations and all living things to protect the environment—so we can all thrive together. And protecting ecosystems and nature means protecting animals. So how can you help wild—and not so wild—animals? Here are seven ways.