Coronavirus Resident Communication - Self Isolation Guidelines - Long Leasehold Properties
Dear Resident COVID-19Repairs required at your home during a period of self-isolation Following your report that you, or a member of your household, are in self-isolation having developed symptoms of COVID-19, we write to advise of the procedures we will follow over this period. Most importantly please follow the NHS guidelines for self isolation: Repairs To minimise risk to others you will need to ensure that only emergencies in your demise are reported. As you can appreciate we have a responsibility to the safety of our contractors as well as to our residents. We will address any issues that are not classified as an emergency as soon as possible post your confirmation that you or a member of your household are no longer self isolating. These are the scenarios we would classify as an emergency: · No cold, clean drinking water (having checked with the water supplier first that there is no a localised issue) · A severe leak or burst pipe · A leak from one flat into another that could damage fabric of building if left unattended · A leak that is affecting the electrics · Gas leak If emergency repairs are required in your home you will need to confirm you can undertake the following steps: · All surfaces on the route a contractor would need to navigate will require thorough cleaning with disinfectant · All door handles and touch points will need to be cleaned with disinfectant · The property must be well ventilated with windows opened · All occupiers will be required to house themselves in a separate room to the contractor undertaking work · Individuals in the household must not approach the contractor · Keys will be used to enter the property at an agreed time · You will be contacted by the contractor before they attend to confirm the additional cleaning measures have been carried out. If this has not been the case they have been instructed by Savills not attend. Deliveries Please make sure you ask delivery drivers to leave items outside your property for collection. If you are expecting important post please notify your property manager or onsite team who will arrange for it to be left outside your flat as soon as reasonably practicable. Rubbish Collection
Waste from individuals in self isolation and from the cleaning of those areas where those in self isolation have been (including disposable cloths & tissues) should be put in a plastic rubbish bag and tied when full. The plastic bag should then be placed in a second bin bag and tied. It should then be put in a suitable and secure place within your premises. Waste should NOT be left unsupervised awaiting collection. You should NOT put your waste in communal waste areas until negative test results are known or the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours.
Kind Regards
Savills UK Limited
Waste from individuals in self isolation and from the cleaning of those areas where those in self isolation have been (including disposable cloths & tissues) should be put in a plastic rubbish bag and tied when full. The plastic bag should then be placed in a second bin bag and tied. It should then be put in a suitable and secure place within your premises. Waste should NOT be left unsupervised awaiting collection. You should NOT put your waste in communal waste areas until negative test results are known or the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours.
Kind Regards
Savills UK Limited